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I beat Ilia and it said the gallery was unlocked, but it's still greyed out on the title screen. Any ideas?

Ill take a look and try to have a bugfix patch out soon!

Is there a walkthrough for thia yet ? 

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The game is linear, is there any particular area you're having trouble with?

For the minigames, remember to read Lily's advice at the end! Most of the time she has information on anything in particular that's new with a girl's minigame in her loss evaluation.

Generally, if your arousal goes up too high you can always "pull out" so to speak and switch to touch mode.  Be careful to do this well in advance of a reversal, so you'll have time to break free before you get hit and lose mana.

For Olivia's minigame in particular, it's best to have done all training beforehand. The difficulty is a step up on purpose and is still being tuned (likely down a bit, might be a bit tough at the moment) but it's certainly possible, even at 0 stats gained, if a bit finicky.

For hers, focus on spending as much time in super-mode as you can. As long as your stats are high enough you should be fine on pleasure build up on yourself so you can focus on offense.

You'll deal some extra damage to her if you can line up super-mode with when she orgasms. If you're not up to date on your stats (I think something like 5 STR 5 END 20+ Mana was what I had, basically everything but the pregnancy training stats) then you'll pretty much have to use the super-mode's power boost to actually deal more than 1mp of damage to her.

What focus is the pregnancy content? Game Mechanics or Game/character end style?

Love the look of this either way.

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Pregnancy mechanics are tied into gameplay, changing the character's selection screen and lasting a few in-game days thanks to the power of magic!

Each character has an alternate selection screen with a different minigame (mostly milking so far), and a training scene that gives a unique h-scene. Pregnancies are repeatable, though rewards are really only obtained once for each training scene, and the milking minigames don't currently have any rewards at all!

The game is still a work-in-progress, with only 2 girls being mostly complete and the third (out of a planned 4) having only a single scene and nothing else so far, but the first two girls do have their pregnancy mechanics mostly implemented, if still in need of some polishing!

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Thank you very much for the detailed reply! This is exactly what I was hoping for!

Hello there. The mage in the forest doesnt work. It has the buttons. But nothing happens when clicked. Android user

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 Her implementation hasn't been completed yet. I meant to have a scene ready for her for this update but I went into surgery and as a result couldn't get it implemented unfortunately!

There will be updates on the third girl next update, sorry for the confusion!

Thank you°°°!

i have to ask when it comes to buying this. Is it only paypal?


Not anymore! I didn't realize there were other payment options when I set up itch a long while ago, so it should be fixed now.

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It is, thank you


A good game for horny fans of mages!


I would like to look into this (if I find the time) but for now followed


It's a very lovely game, anya is cute, and the scenes are great!

There is still some optimisation to be done for the android version, a lot of the text cant be seen, and the controlls arent quite clear, but otherwise, great job, love it!^^

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to fix up the issues in the future. I'm new to android development and didn't expect it to be so finicky on different resolutions!